KOAS Booking
The most important everyday tool and information bank for every Koas resident.

Koas Booking is a browser-based portal through which you can conveniently book facilities and services intended for residents. In addition, you will find instructions, maps and other information related to your own location at Koas Booking. Find out about the use of the portal, services, and problem situations on this page.
Instructions for using Koas Booking
All residents receive IDs and login instructions to Koas Booking approximately one month before the start of the rental agreement. If you haven’t received IDs no later than a week before the move, please contact the housing office by e-mail at koas@koas.fi
You should change the password that comes with the log in message to one of your choice the first time you log in.
Through Koas Booking, you can book location-specific facilities and services intended for all Koas residents, such as:
- Laundry time slots
- Sauna time slots
- Lounge facilities (in limited locations)
- Gym (in limited locations)
- Parking (in limited locations)
- Storage space (in Myllyjärvi, Ristonmaa, Ykköspesä, Kotiraide/Ratapiha)
- Ykköspesä sauna and cabinet (Ykköspesänkatu)
- Koas Meeting Room study space and cabinet (Kauppakatu 11)
- Koas Bike electric bike (Kauppakatu 11)
In addition, through Koas Booking you can take advantage of other services aimed at residents, such as:
- Secondhand – announcements for buying and selling goods
- Neighbour Help – for help or borrowing goods
- Koas Car – instructions for registering for the shared car service
Please note that some of the services may be subject to a fee, in which case payment is made at the time of booking either with credits or as an online payment. The most essential services for
Some of the services available to residents, such as private sauna shifts, are booked with paid credits. The purchase and use of credits takes place at the time of booking:
- Choose the service you want and the time of the reservation from the top menu. Click “Book”.
- Follow the instructions on the booking form to purchase credits. It is possible to buy credits in packages of 1, 5 and 10. You can see the prices of credits under your profile under Booking credits.
- Pay for the reservation with the credits you just bought or previously acquired through Paytrail. After this, your reservation will take effect.
If there are any credits left over, they will be stored in your username for future bookings. Purchased credits cannot be exchanged back for money.
Instructions for problem situations
That happens to all of us. If you have forgotten your username or password, contact the Koas office by e-mail at koas@koas.fi, and we will help you restore your username.
Even if your name changes during the tenancy, your Koas Booking credentials will remain unchanged. However, remember to report the name change to the housing office so that the mail can be sent to the correct address.
If your email has changed, remember to update the current information in your user profile. Log in to the Koas Booking service with your credentials and select the profile icon in the upper right corner. Change your email address and confirm the changes by clicking “Save”.
If you do not receive Koas Booking announcements directly to your email, check that your email settings are correct in your user account.
Log in to the Koas Booking service with your credentials and select the profile icon in the upper right corner. Make sure that your email address is spelled correctly and that the ‘I want to receive email notifications of new posts’ option is selected.
If you make changes to your information, remember to click “Save” at the bottom.